January 29th - February 28th open weekends 10am-4pm, weekdays by appointment, and always online.

Contact Us

Duncan and Megan Trousdale

Odgers & McClelland Exchange Stores

81 Jenkins St
Nundle NSW 2340

Ph/Fax: 02 6769 3233

Email: info@exchangestores.com.au

Our online store is open 24 hours, seven days a week, with postage Monday to Friday, lodging with Australia Post at 1pm. Commercial enquiries please contact us by email or telephone.

Our physical store is open for over-the-counter sales Wednesday-Sunday 10am-4pm, plus Public Holidays. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

February hours: Weekends 10am-4pm, weekdays by appointment, 0427 693 310.

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To plan a visit to Nundle see www.nundle.com.au, Destination Tamworth or Tamworth story, Country Style, September 2016