Open Wednesday to Sunday 10am-4pm, and always online.

Select Organic Seeds - Certified Organic Seeds

 Select Organic Seeds are certified organic, old traditional, open pollinated, non hybrid seeds with no chemical treatment and no genetic engineering. Collect seeds from the plants you grow and share them with others.

Basil - Italian large leaf. Warm sunny position. Spring and summer planting (250 seeds). 

Beetroot Cylindra - Long cylindrical variety 15-25 cm long, uniform dark red (250 seeds).

Beetroot Detroit - Large globe shaped dark red roots, good keeper (160 seeds).

Button Squash Green Tint - Green disk shaped scalloped fruit (25 seeds).

Cabbage Bok Choy - Non-heading, broad white stemmed leaf for use in stir-fry (50 seeds).

Cucumber Muncher Burpless - Long smooth green skin to 17 cm (22 seeds).

Dill - Culinary herb, annual to 90 cm (350 seeds).

Eggplant Black Beauty - Purplish black smooth oval fruit to 16 cm (60 seeds).

Garlic Chives - Perennial herb with mild garlic flavour and attractive white flower (160 seeds).

Lettuce Cos Verdi - Open upright sweet tasting leaves with smooth edges (200 seeds).

Lettuce Green Mignonette - Soft, curly leaf with small heart (200 seeds).

Mesclun Mild Mix - Mild salad mix of greens and reds, ready to start picking 25-40 days (450 seeds).

Nasturtium - Perennial creeper. Use flowers and leaves in salads (17 seeds).

Radish - Bright scarlet skin with white tip, 30 mm round (180 seeds).

Sage - Perennial culinary herb to 45 cm. Use in cooking, salads (55 seeds).

Shallots White Lisbon - Salad onion with green tops and white mild sweet shanks (240 seeds).

Sunflower Sunbird - Large yellow flower, tasty edible seeds. Tall plant to 2 m (100 seeds).

Sweet Corn Balinese - Two light yellow medium cobs per plant (80 seeds).

Sweet Corn Golden Bantam - Two or more 15-17 cm cobs per plant (50 seeds).

Tatsoi - Small glossy dark green spoon shaped leaves for salads or stir-fry (200 seeds).

Watermelon War Paint - Large melon with stripes, deep red flesh up to 10kg (20 seeds).



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