A rainy afternoon calls for something warm and buttery for afternoon tea. I'd been wanting to try a recipe for Lesley Russell's 'big' scones out of Sophie Hansen's Local is Lovely book and this was the perfect day for it. I love the rustic round that you shape to make the scones, and the crunchy texture of the dusting of castor sugar. I added about a cup of chopped dates (because I had them handy in the cupboard) and used wholewheat baker's flour. The big scones were delicious, warm out of the oven, sliced in half and topped with melted butter and fig jam. I'm sure you'll come up with your own wonderful combinations. If I'd had some double cream in the fridge, a dollop on the jam would have been heavenly. That's an idea for next time.
View full article →Sarah Ryan of Quandialla Candle Company has the best business card. In a quaint, old world fashion it states “Sarah Ryan, Candlestick Maker”, and on the reverse side, “Superior Soy Candles From the Middle of Nowhere”. We started stocking Quandialla Candle Co. candles in April, attracted by the traditional packaging, inspired by the art nouveau design of a 1940s yeast tin Sarah found, and graphic design of the labels, created by her friend Dan Phelan of Safety Pin Design, Newcastle. Sarah makes candles out of her kitchen pantry in the family's 1920s homestead in central west NSW where she lives with husband Trevor, and children Rueben, 8, Monty, 6, and Clemmie, 2 on Richmond Merinos stud. Inspiration came when Sarah was pregnant with Clemmie and she recognised a gap in market for alternative candle packaging.
View full article →We collaborated with artist Michelle Kludas, from Murrurundi in the Upper Hunter of New South Wales, to design a tea cosy for the 1.5 litre Falcon enamel tea pots that we sell at Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores. I met Michelle about four years ago and I am a big fan of everything she does, from crochet to painting, and her work as Manager at Michael Reid Gallery. Michelle learnt to crochet when she was just five-years-old, a simple chain stitch taught by her grandmother, and even took a crochet hook and wool to school to crochet at recess.
View full article →Poorman’s Cakes, Waddies Saddlebags, and Dunkers are the wonderful names of heirloom recipes that surfaced for a visit by Jacqui Newling, colonial gastronomer with Sydney Living Museums. Jacqui (photo credit James Horan © Historic Houses Trust 2012) visited as part of the Nundle Go For Gold Chinese Easter Festival program, the biggest annual event in our small town, Nundle, in northern inland NSW.
Months before the festival, Jacqui asked me to begin conversations about food memories and favourite recipes with the Nundle community with a view to cooking several heirloom recipes, offering tastings at the festival, and printing them in a handout titled, Lost Delights: Heirloom Recipes & Old Country Favourites.
A meeting for another event, the Nundle Country Picnic, was a good place to start with several committee members being part of the Nundle Branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA).
Margaret Schofield’s face brightened as she recalled memories of eating eel. While probably not a politically correct term these days, ‘eel bashing’ was quite a past time, groups of families and friends gathering to catch eels in creeks and rivers on the eastern fall of the range rising above Nundle.
Margaret described her method for cooking eel, dipped in flour and fried, and promised a recipe for Dunkers, a recipe for a firm biscuit “good for dunking in tea” made by her grandmother and mother. Coincidentally, Margaret’s son Nathan also talked about Dunkers when I asked him about recipes he remembered from his childhood as we sat beside the Nundle Public Pool watching our sons play together.
True to her word Margaret delivered a recipe for Dunkers beautifully transcribed on a ruled recipe card with the heading “Poorman’s Cakes – Grandma”.
One morning I was driving into town to collect the mail and there were three gentlemen standing together talking on the post office corner who I knew would have food memories to contribute: publican Robert Schofield, former baker Reg Manvell, and lifelong resident Harvey Warden.
Robert marvelled at how 50-years-ago the general store sold only a dozen or so baking staples, while today’s catering suppliers offered hundreds of ingredients.
Reg laughed as he described his mother cooking “with a bit of this and a pinch of that”. Recipes were simple, using ingredients at hand, and few were written down. Indeed many of the heirloom recipes collected featured simple, easy to store ingredients: sago, flour, butter, sugar, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, mixed spice, vanilla essence, bicarb soda, eggs and golden syrup.
Harvey offered to ask his mother Mona Warden if she had any recipes to offer. Mona, who at 97-years-old lives in her own home in Nundle, put together an impressive collection.
There were stapled pages of handwritten recipes for Date Pudding, Dunkers, Raspberry Short Tartlets, Ginger Biscuits (“Makes heaps, very tasty”), and Waddies Saddlebags. Mona’s grandson Simon particularly recommended the Ginger Biscuits. Harvey’s wife Joy Warden contributed a recipe for Coronation Tart.
Our shop, Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores provided good opportunities for soliciting recipes. A conversation with Kerry Swain inspired memories of Kerry’s mother-in-law Nan Swain’s recipe for Sago Custard. “My kids tell me I can’t make it as good as Nan does.”
After talking with Judy Wiggan about the food memories evoked by enamel pie dishes she brought back her handwritten recipe for Baked Rice Pudding, her mother’s copy of ‘Australian Home Cookery’, and a bag of quinces.
Eel came up again when I spoke with Judy and Harvey, who suggested I ask Maree Boland for her recipe for eel patties and she told me of friendly rivalry between her and the late Mickey Sipple for the best eel patties.
I am working my way through the Nundle Heirloom Recipes. They remain as popular with the current generation of Nundle children. This afternoon I made Waddies Saddlebags and, even with the suspiciously healthy addition of dates, our sons declared, “Mum these are delicious”.
See the link for Lost Delights: Heirloom Recipes and Old Country Favourites from Nundle Go For Gold Chinese Easter Festival 2014 and additional Nundle heirloom recipes below.
Ingredients: 1 cup margarine, 2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup golden syrup, 5 cups plain flour, 2 tsp bicarb soda, 2 dessert spoons ginger, ¼ cup boiling water, vanilla essence.
Method: Cream margarine and sugar, add golden syrup and mix well. Add the soda dissolved in hot water, then flour and ginger to make a firm dough (add more flour if needed). Moderate oven. Makes heaps. Very tasty.
Ingredients: 1 cup boiling water, 1 tbs butter, ½ cup sugar, 1 tsp bicarb soda, 1 cup dates, 1 large cup flour with pinch salt, pinch spice, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon, essence lemon.
Method: Mix butter, sugar, soda with boiling water then add dates, then flour with spices etc. Steam for three hours. A very rich, brown pudding. It can be mixed the night before if necessary.
Ingredients: 113g butter, ½ cup sugar, 2 cups SR flour, 1 egg, 1 dessert spoon milk.
Method: Cream butter and sugar, add egg and milk, then flour, mixing to a dough. Turn onto a floured board, roll out fairly thin and cut into rounds with biscuit cutter. Line greased patty tins with the pastry. Put a little raspberry jam in each.
Mix 85g sugar, 85g coconut and 1 well-beaten egg together. Put a teaspoon on each tart. Bake until light brown, 10-15 minutes in a moderate oven.
POORMAN’S CAKES – GRANDMA (Submitted by Margaret Schofield)
Ingredients: 2 cups flour, ½ teaspoon baking soda, ½ teaspoon Cream of Tartar, ½ teaspoon of ginger, ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg, 113g butter, ½ cup sugar, 1 dessert spoon golden syrup, 2 well-beaten eggs, a little milk.
Method: Into a sieve put 2 cups flour, ½ teaspoon baking soda, ½ teaspoon Cream of Tartar, ½ teaspoon of ginger and ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg. Sift all ingredients into a basin, rub in about ¼ lb of butter or like, ½ cup sugar, 1 dessert spoon golden syrup, 2 well beaten eggs and a little milk if too stiff. Roll out and cut with a cutter. Bake in moderate oven until golden.
Similar to fish cakes, skin the eel, boil it in water and vinegar until the meat falls away from the bone, mashing it with boiled potato and seasoning, shaping into patties, rolling them in breadcrumbs and frying them.
If you ever walk into your vegetable garden and feel overwhelmed by the quantity of leafy greens at your fingertips then this recipe for Greens and Ricotta Torte is for you. I saved it from a Winter 2005 issue of Organic Gardener and the pages have the tell-tale signs of a much used recipe; butter stains, residues of flour, and paper crimped from dried, spilt moisture. It is a delicious way to use a large quantity and mixture of leafy greens. The original recipe calls for predominantly spinach, but I take pleasure in walking among the rows and breaking off stems of whatever is abundant in our garden, usually silverbeet, broccoli, kale and sometimes even spinach.
View full article →I know it’s a little early, but Mum takes advantage of our visit during the school holidays to make our family’s Christmas pudding. I love Mum’s Christmas pudding, made using Mrs Dibble's Christmas Pudding recipe (Mrs Dibble is the mother of ABC presenter James Dibble, who read the first ABC television news bulletin in 1956 and worked for the ABC for 27 years. James Dibble died from cancer in 2010). The pudding, usually made six weeks before Christmas, matures in its basin and is reheated on Christmas day, served with cream or custard. The pudding is beautifully moist, fragrant with alcohol and raisins, and pure pleasure on the palate.
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